Service & Refurbishment

SPS-Europe offers a diverse range of solutions to increase equipment lifetime, improve uptime and factory efficiency. With affordable solutions for existing semiconductor mmanufacturing equipment, we are committed to provide you with a cost competitive upgrade option to meet your specific equipment and technology requirements.

Our products enable engineers to “make more with less” using “tomorrows technology with todays tools” with proven ROI - in some cases just within a few months. This includes on-site upgrade installations.


Wafer automation – the wafer handling specialist!

On-site servicing for the entire range of APT, WHS or TB Ploner automated wafer handling equipment: wafer sorters, ID mapppers, and transfer systems. Customized in-house training on both operation and maintenance.

Wet bench automation

On-site upgrade for existing Semitool SAT, SRD tools or Akrion robot wet benches - replacing the old automation with a modern, high reliability long-life unit and software.


CMP flow control

On-site upgrading of peristaltic pumps to high precision flow controllers for major slurry cost savings, increased yield and zero maintenance downtime. Rapid ROI. On-site process development, customization and installation of a CMP Slurry Injection System – a quick win extra margin for slurry savings and process yield improvement.

Wet clean upgrades

On-site upgrading of DNS scrubber nozzle or brush to the latest technology single-wafer megasonic cleaner. Replacement of Mirra® Mesa megasonic cleaning tank with a high reliability long-life unit.

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Experienced professional advice

With 30 years of collective experience solving different kinds of process and production problems in every kind of fab by experienced semiconductor wet process engineers in our team, we have solved many issues.

Talk to us - we may already have the solution! Phone: +31 341 360 590