UH110-8 Wafer Backgrinding Tape Remover

UH110-8 Wafer Backgrinding Tape Remover

UH110-8 Wafer Backgrinding Tape Remover

UH110-8 Wafer Backgrinding Tape Remover

Ultron Systems' Model UH110 and UH110-8 Semiautomatic Film Removers demount film from 3" to 8" wafers after the backgrinding or etching process. The virtual 180° peeling angle ensures more efficient peeling and lower stress on the wafer, resulting in higher yields. Both systems outperform time-consuming hand removal at a fraction of the cost of fully automatic equipment. Throughput is as high as 200 wafers/hour. The standard Model UH110 can accommodate up to 6" wafers, while the Model UH110-8 handles 8" wafers and smaller. Adjustments from one size wafer to another can be made in seconds by simply changing the workstage. Push-button operation assures ease of use with all operator variables eliminated.

  • Up to 8" (200mm) wafers
  • Safety Plexiglass Cover
  • Select wafer stage when ordering (3" up to 8" stages)
  • Short removal cycle for higher throughput
  • Virtual 180° peeling angle for lower wafer stress and higher yields
  • Heated wafer stage ensures film removal with minimal stress to wafer
  • Quick peeling-tape reloading
  • Easy disposal of demounted protective film
  • Faster and lower cost than conventional chemical removal method
  • Compact tabletop size
  • Interchangeable wafer stage supports different size/type of wafers
  • Removes film from wafers down to 8 mil thick wafer
  • No special operator training required

  • Additional Standard Wafer Stage up to 8"
  • Thin Wafer Stage up to 8"
  • Static Eliminator with Power Safety Interlock Switch