PFA Aspirator

PFA Aspirator

PFA Aspirator

Mounted in a container containing the same chemical as Storage Vessel (A TYPE)
Discharges the chemical by DIW pressure.

A product that is mounted in a container containing the same chemica! as STORAGE VESSEL (A TYPE) and discharges the chemica! by DIW pressure.

Material: High Purity Grade PFA(Body), PTFE(Orifice)
Product size: 20A
Operating Pressure: 0.35-7 kgf/cm2
Operating Temperature: 0 ~ 90℃

Emissions per Pressure

Pressure           Emissions
1kgf/mm2        8.6L/min
2kgf/mm2       10.8L/min
3kgf/mm2       13.5L/min